It took me some tenacious searching to get hold of this valuable information about the Muslim periodical which appeared between 1919 and 1923, first as Muslim Outlook (1919), then Islamic News (1920–1) and finally as The Muslim Standard (1921–3) from London. This newspaper did a valiant job of trying to lobby support for the cause of the Ottoman Caliphate through its support for support for the Indian khilafat movement. However, it failed in its efforts at lobbying support for an equitable settlement for Turkey following the humiliating treaties being forced on the vanquished nation post First World War in the face of a hostile and unsympathetic British government led by Lloyd George, known for his anti-Islamic and anti-Turk attitudes.
The famous British translator of the holy Qur’an, Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall (1875–1936), worked for the newspaper in 1919 when it was known as the Muslim Outlook.
Mushir Hosain Kidwai, a keen supporter of the Khilafat movement, headed the Islamic Information Bureau in London that produced the Muslim Outlook (which later was renamed as the Islamic News and then the Muslim Standard), These name changes, according to Yahya Brit, a PhD candidate in Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Leeds, became “necessary to circumvent periodic British government bans because of its staunchly pro-khilafat line”.
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