Malabar is part of the State called Kerala. Malabar and Kerala are sometimes used interchangeably
The support for the Turkish cause, during the most difficult days of the Turkish nation, was not just confined to the Northern provinces of India.
People down South, in Malabar and Madras (now Tamil Nadu) were equally enthusiastic in their support to preserve the Caliphate and the territorial integrity of Turkey, after the military setbacks they faced during the First World War.
Here are brief excerpts from a research paper tiled KHILAFAT MOVEMENT IN MALABAR, by Mohammed T.A., which gives a glimpse of the support extended by the Ulema of Malabar.
The Kerala Ulama Conference held on 25th April, 1921, at Ottappalam under the chairmanship of Sayyid Murthaza Sahib had adopted the following resolutions:
1) As the European Powers are trying to destroy the Khilafat, all Muslims in Kerala should set apart a portion of their Zakat for the Khilafat and Smyrna funds.
2) All the Muslims of Kerala should resort to non-violent non-co-operation with the Government.
Names of forty one important Moulavis who had attended the meeting were given in the conference records.
The proceedings of the ulama conference including the speech made by its secretary was later published in a booklet form. T Hassan Koya Molla was its printer. The government proscribed it and its author and the printer were given 2’/, years’ rigorous imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 300 on the secretary and Rs. 1000 on the printer was also levied.’
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