Hereunder are a selection of newspaper clippings, mainly from the US Press, extracted from the well-researched book just released titled, “Sultan Variomkunnan” by young historian Ramees Mohammed on the Mappila Uprising. These clippings furnish further evidence that the Mappilas were fighting for India’s Freedom and were not Anti-Hindu.
The following statements by the correspondent of the Chicago Tribune are pertinent:
“Hindus Shared the Unrest and ‘Gandhi ki Jai’ was the Watchword”
“The Moplahs Revere the Sultan Caliph and Loathe his Enemies”

“The Moplahs Revere the Sultan Caliph and Loathe his Enemies”

Yes, indeed, it was the uprising against the British raj. The current political Hinduism wants to paint it as communal in order to mobilize their political agendas in India but the truth remains.
Masha Allah. Great work. May Allah accept from you.